CXO Bytes | Digital and IT should go hand-in-hand: Jayanta Banerjee, Global CIO, Tata Steel Express Computer May 17, 2019 Jayanta Banerjee's advice on making digital transformation programs successful
CXO Bytes | CIOs should collaborate across functions says Vijay Shah, Executive Director, Piramal… Express Computer Jan 25, 2019 The CIOs should communicate and unravel the technology related information to non IT employees
CXO Bytes | Top 4 CIO Learnings from Poorav Sheth, CDO, Piramal Glass Express Computer Jan 25, 2019 Have a digital strategy; buy-in from top management; people management and don't be averse to experimentation
CXO Bytes | Byju Joseph’s advice to CIOs Express Computer Jan 14, 2019 Byju Joseph, CTO, Future Generali India Life Insurance advises CIOs on people, process, technology.