QAD Inc running PoCs with manufacturing cos to replace MES Abhishek Raval May 31, 2019 QAD Inc is currently doing PoCs with as many as ten companies that will result in a complete replacement of their manufacturing…
Away from hub in Bangalore, NetSuite looks to set up spokes in Delhi, Mumbai and Pune: Lee Thompson Mohd Ujaley Apr 26, 2019 When we think of the way ahead in India, we probably would set up spokes which will be cities like Delhi, Mumbai or may be in…
QAD announces enhancements to QAD Cloud ERP and related solutions Express Computer Apr 8, 2019 QAD has extended the capability of its Channel Islands UX and the underlying QAD Enterprise Platform throughout its solutions
Cloud ERP for digital value creation Mohd Ujaley Dec 25, 2017 Putting Cloud ERP at the core of your digital value creation is the key to overcoming this challenge. Countless businesses and…