India’s largest value-focused e-commerce platform, Snapdeal has received ISO 27001 certificate for its IT security system.
The certificate was issued pursuant to Snapdeal’s implementation of a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security covering all the 114 controls of the ISO standard across all functions including marketing, customer experience, technology, human resources, and supply chain management.
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The company has an Information Security Management System (ISMS) for protection against unauthorized access. The processes and guidelines under the ISMS are designed to ensure an effective and business sensitive security system, with a view to minimize threats from internal and external sources, accidental or intentional. Procedures are developed and continuously evolved to safeguard the IT, Information, Personal and Physical environment, as well as to promote security awareness amongst our employees. All breaches of information security are investigated and information security training is made available to staff.
The certificate applies to information assets including all software assets such as application software, panels, system software, development tools and utilities, databases and data files, system documentation, user documentation and training materials. It also includes all physical assets such as computer equipment, communications equipment, media, hard-copy files and papers, and equipment relating to facilities. ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies. ISO 27001 is a global standard for information security.
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