In wake of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2018 Tournament, Fortinet has cautioned football fans in India to stay vigilant against cyber attacks. Fortinet expects a spike in online scams and phishing attacks as the the renowned football show gets underway. The company has issued security tips to survive cyber threats during FIFA World Cup 2018.
Be careful where you view live coverage
Whether viewing live coverage, event replays, or checking statistics online, it’s important to visit only trusted websites. Events which gain significant public interest and media coverage are often used as lures for spam or spear-phishing campaigns. Malicious actors may also create fake websites and domains that appear to be official FIFA news or coverage that can be used to deliver malware to an end-user upon visiting the site (also known as drive-by downloads or watering holes).
Watch out for phishing attacks
Users may receive spam email announcing that they are the lucky winners of a lottery for tickets to the World Cup finals. While it may be tempting to click on an email link that says, “You have won 2 tickets for the finals of the World Cup,” be careful. By clicking on that link, you could be taken to a compromised website that downloads malware onto your computer, stealing your data and personal information.
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