Ethnic fashion brand Biba has brought the next-generation solution for fit, size and personalisation to India with AstraFit’s virtual dressing room platform. Biba has collaborated with AstraFit, an online fitting room service for fashion e-commerce, to recreate a real-life dressing room experience virtually on its website.
Unlike size calculators that are only based on fit and size approximations, AstraFit builds a precise 2D body model of the customer virtually, so they know not only the right size but also the correct length of the garment. The online tool provides a summary of recommended sizes, details of the model, the elasticity of the fabric and Natural Human Language description for how the garment fits and feels in different parts of the body based on the customer’s body measurements and body shape.
“AstraFit users at Biba tripled Biba’s conversion rate, boosting revenue by five per cent within the first two months of integration. Time spent on the website and pages viewed per visit increased by 266 per cent and 136 per cent respectively,” said Nikita Dobrynin, CEO and Co-founder, AstraFit.
AstraFit’s garment digitisation system requires measuring only one size of any garment manually to calculate all the other sizes automatically. “Biba is a renowned Indian fashion brand. We are extremely happy with the results and are eagerly waiting to implement a full-scale data integration over the next few months,” said Dobrynin.
“AstraFit creates a virtual you, with your clothing size and fit information tailored to perfection. We are truly delighted to be the first Indian fashion brand to integrate this virtual dressing room on our website,” said Gaurav Kumar Gupta, Product Manager, Biba.
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