Telangana Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Monday directed officials to prepare a blueprint for the development of information technology in all areas around Hyderabad under the IT Grid policy.
The state cabinet has already cleared the IT Grid (Growth in Dispersion) policy, which is aimed at expanding IT sector beyond the existing hubs of Madhapur and Gachibowli.
Under this policy, IT parks are proposed to be built in other parts of the city including in industrial parks.
The industrial parks are now in midst of the city and it is difficult to carry out industrial activities. These are supposed to be shifted to beyond Outer Ring Road.
The Chief Secretary held a review meeting with various Stakeholders on the development of IT industry in Uppal, Nagole, Katedan, Kompally and other areas of the city.
He asked officials to obtain feedback from stakeholders by January 27 on preparation of a master plan for the development of areas with better Infrastructure facilities.
He said as per the vision of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, the government has decided to promote IT in all areas in a time-bond manner.
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