Surajpur district administration in Chhattisgarh has asked its officials and employees to use mobile messaging application WhatsApp for rapid exchange of information and directives within the government machinery.
In a circular issued to all the departments, Surajpur Additional Collector M L Dhritlahre has asked officials to install WhatsApp services on their cellphones and register mobile numbers with their respective stenos.
“The purpose is to enhance connectivity with the use of modern technology within the administration. We have decided to use ‘WhatsApp’ to share important information,” Dhritlahre told. “Sometimes, the information or directives issued by the government and senior officials take time to reach various departments due to lack of proper communication means in a hilly region like Surajpur. Such a mobile app will help us quickly deliver information within minutes,” he added.
The officer has also created a group name ‘Adhikari Group’ on the online messaging application to communicate. Complaints, suggestions and new ideas from people will also be invited through WhatsApp, he said. As per the circular, the employees and officials have been asked to purchase an android phone for using the application.
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