When broadcast channels began with live reporting it was exciting for users to know that they are getting information first hand. Today, broadcast continues to present news live from the field with more means of communication. Digital tools allow people to update stories live in a written format and of course, the website also streams their live telecast.
The one thing that has changed about live reporting is that it is now available for the public. Social media giants Facebook and Instagram allow people to “go live” and talk about whatever they want with live comments popping up on the screen. The feature is so widely used that even government officials have been making announcements on it.
In an unprecedented time like this where ‘staying home’ has become the new normal, people are quite reliant on digital tools for human interactions. Now, texting and calling may not suffice for real physical interaction, but going live will let you enjoy the benefit of seeing live comments of your friends or family while you are speaking on video.
How do you go LIVE on Facebook with your laptop or smartphone?
For your phone:
- Head to the Facebook app and click on the live button that is below your status.
- Then choose your privacy and posting settings.
- There will be a choice to add effects to your video and choose what type of video it is: Live, Bring a Friend, Raise Money, etc)
- You can then add a description so people know exactly what the video is about.
- You’re all set to go live now so just tap on the live button and once you are done click on the finish button
- Choose if you wish to have the video on your Facebook Wall and who can view it. You’re done then!
For your laptop/ desktop :
- Instead of an app, you need to login into your account on facebook.com
- Once you are in, you will find the live button right under the status
- Select it and then choose what type of video you wish to make
- Then decide your privacy and sharing settings
- Go live and finish it
- Then decide if you wish to have it on your facebook wall
You are ready to go live on facebook now!
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