HDFC Ergo leads in insurance policy sales through CSC: Anuj Tyagi

HDFC Ergo General Insurance claimed that it has emerged the market leader with 55 per cent share in distribution products through the common service centres (CSCs) platform. The CSC channel is a platform under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) approved by the Centre for accessing financial services through digital medium.

“Today with over 1,50,000 policies issued through the CSC channel, we are a leading player both in terms of number of policies issued and total premium underwritten,” HDFC Ergo executive director Anuj Tyagi said.

Common Service Centres are basically an integral part of the Digital India initiative of government of India. CSCs are largely access points which have basic computing infrastructure run and operated by the local entrepreneur who lives within same community. CSC started providing financial inclusion services a years ago.

In addition, it work on insurance sector.  The village level entrepreneur (VLE) also work as a sub-broker. He can sell products and insurance of all insurance companies and collects the premium. CSC says they collect about Rs 1 crore premium everyday.

“In this country, only one of out four insurance policies are renewed. Usually people do not renew because they don’t know the access point. The agent sells and disappears. We are creating an access point where people at least renew their policies,” said Dinesh Tyagi to EC.

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Common Servicee CentreCSCe governanceHDFC ERGO
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