Given that the flood has uprooted communication modes in Jammu & Kashmir, making the area almost inaccessible, Google has launched several tools, to help gather and relay information about people affected by the devastation.
Here are some of the tools Google has been working on:
Google Person Finder, a web application that allows individuals to post the details of, and search for the status of, family members or friends affected by the disaster. If you’re worried about someone in the disaster affected area, then click on “I’m Looking for Someone” and type in their name. If you want to let people know you’re safe, or if you have heard from someone in the disaster affected area, then click on “I have information about someone” and put in their names and details.
As the number of names and records increases, the tool will make it easier for those who are safe to pass on their status to people worried about them. It is available in both English and Hindi.
The People finder tool can be embedded on any website – here are instructions for embedding person finder:
We’ve also made Person Finder available on mobile phones. You can request status via SMS by sending the message “Search”, followed by the person’s name i.e. “Search” <name>, to the number 9773300000 . For example, if you are searching for Rohan Gupta, send the message “Search Rohan Gupta”
To make emergency information available immediately, we have also launched a Onebox on Google Search in Hindi and English. This provides helpline information of the Army, Home Ministry, and NDRF Control Room, listed below:
Emergency Army Helpline:(+91) 011-23019831
Home Ministry Helpline:(+91) 011-23093054 · (+91) 011-23092763
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