An e-learning centre constructed at a cost of Rs 10.5 crore was inaugurated at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology at Burla. Inaugurating the centre on the occasion of the diamond jubilee of the premier institution, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik also announced that an Incubation and Entrepreneur Development Centre would soon operate in VSSUT.
The new building has 6 halls. While 2 halls have a capacity to accommodate 2000 people, four others have 200 to 250 capacity. It will enable the institution to organise 6 programmes simultaneously, Chairman of Public Relation Cell of the institution P C Swain said.
Apart from the students of VSSUT, students of other institutions would also benefit after the centre becomes
operational, Swain said. The chief minister also announced that the maintenance of the institution would be taken over by the state works department, Swain said.
Patnaik laid foundation stone for New Boys hostel, new academic block, multi-purpose administrative block and amphitheatre during the occasion.
During his visit here, the chief minister also inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Sambalpur University. The chief minister also inaugurated the Post Office Passport Seva Kendra in the presence of Union Petroleum Minister, Dharmedra Pradhan in Sambalpur.
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