Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu will unveil the ‘e-Pragati’ initiative in Amaravati in July, changing the way services being delivered to citizens.
Designed in collaboration with Wipro, ‘e-Pragati’ is part of the Andhra Pradesh State Enterprise Architecture which offers a bouquet of 600 services to people across the state and will be unveiled by the CM in the first week of July, it was officially announced here today.
Some of the key ‘e-Pragati’ services include Certificate- Less Government System (CLGS), Mana Rashtram, tele-health, e-education, HARITA, e-Mandi, Citizen Inbox, Digital Literacy, e-SHG, Smart City and Smart Grid, according to a release issued.
Phase one of e-Pragati project will be completed by October 2016, with 72 sub-projects, while the entire project will be completed by October 2017, the release said.
‘e-Pragati’ will be an impact-assessment project which will also use analytics to predict the performance of sectors, health profiles of people, drop-out rate in schools, it said.
Unveiling a draft of the new enterprise architecture, Infotech Advisor J Satyanarayana said that it will give the government and its citizens a 360-degree view of every sector, the release said.
The model will be one-stop shop for information for any citizen in the state. Another model on similar lines, called the “land hub” is being designed. “Such models will be integrated into the government database to avoid duplication of data,” Satyanarayana said, according to the release.
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