Over 502 full-time Indian professionals working a minimum of 35 hours per week aged 18 or older, were surveyed from industries including – Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail, Media & Entertainment, Private Healthcare, Private Education, Government, Public Healthcare and Public Education.
“As one of the world’s emerging economies, India has always presented unique opportunities and challenges; even when it comes to its massive and evolving workforce. The study shares interesting findings, where Indian employees of both private and public sectors, display a need for mobility, connectivity and secure technology. From 71% who consider laptops, to 41% in favour of BYOD and 29% who are interested in 2-in-1s; there is an apparent shift in how work is getting done as technology becomes increasingly embedded in the core of the workplace today”, said Indrajit Belgundi, General Manager – End User Computing Dell India.
According to Sudharsan R, Commercial Marketing Head, Dell India, said, “The survey’s aim is to explore the needs, wants and experiences of the evolving workforce globally and in India. This program is a part of our overarching strategy that is concentrated on listening to our customers. With this we intend to identify trends and issues of how technology is adding to productivity and efficiency of employees. From what the survey reveals, India’s dynamic work environments need the most secure and manageable technology, to support an employee in carrying out diverse tasks.”
Here are some Key trends that emerged from the research centered on where and how employees work, the impact technology has on personal and work lives, and predictions around the automation of technology in the future:
1. One size doesn’t fit all: The desktop is the top device for getting work done in the office in India. Though the desktop is still widely used by executives, executives are far more likely than those in other roles to utilize portable technology, including laptops (72%), tablets (41%) and 2-in-1s (29%). And we see multiple devices being used by virtually everyone
· Touch-me-nots: Touchscreen usage for work is high (55%), as is the desire to use touchscreens (38% among those not currently using).
· Device Performance: 62% ranked device performance as the number one consideration which people look for in a work device, followed by battery life (11%). This is likely due to the prevalence of desktops in the office.
· On the personal front: For personal purposes, laptops (79%) are used more often than desktops (62%), as are smartphones (83%). These personal habits are likely shaping preferences for work devices.
2. Place of work: Most work is being done in the office of an employer. Of these, only one-third spend at least 75% of their time there. Much work is also being done in external locations (66%), in the home (78%) and in public places (62%).
· BYOD: For people whose companies don’t allow BYOD, more than one-third would use a personal device if they could (including a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet). 76% of the Indian workforce surveyed is part of an organization which approves BYOD
· Home Vs. Office: The Productivity Quotient: 41% of the Indian workforce believes that people working at home are less productive
· High performance at work: 80% of workers say they do their best work in the office and 79% are either extremely or very comfortable working at their office desk (as compared to 50% globally)
o 52% of office workers are frequently interrupted while working at desk
o 72% use email or IM to communicate with other people located nearby
3. Work-Life Balance: About three-fourths of Indian employee say they spend some of their working hours from home, but many spend time working at home after hours. 93% check work email while at home (outside business hours) and 93% take work calls.
· 76% of the companies allow employees to use the device of their preference device of their preference. 71% devices are secured by the company’s IT department.
· Many employees are not authorized to use their existing devices handle their company’s disapproval by doing it anyway: 65% do this without their employers’ knowledge.
4. Office Workers vs. Remote Workers: Indian employees have divergent views on whether remote workers are more or less productive than office workers.
· 29% of middle/junior management who think people working at home are more productive
· 45% of Executive/senior management who think people working at home are more productive
· Seven-in-ten employees view working from home as an extra benefit
5. Importance of having new technology: There is a high priority placed on having the latest technology
o 62% employees say they would likely quit job if the technology didn’t meet with standards
o 62% also say the technology available would influence decision to take a new position
· Frustration with existing technology is evident: Three-fourths of Indian employees feel that their organisations only deploy new technology when absolutely necessary
o 38% believe available technology at work prevents productivity
o 51% believe technology has hindered career growth
· The risks of outdated technology: The need for investing in tech updates is particularly pronounced in India, where half of employees agree that they are held back by the technology at their disposal, and one-third agree that their career growth has suffered
6. The Future of Tech in Work Place: Employees believe that technology will continue the trend toward mobile, with roughly half expecting tablets to completely replace laptop computers before they retire
· Indians are open to new technology:45% feel technology brings people together, while only 12% feel technology separates people.
· Just under three-fourths believe that technology will hit a limit on the ability to improve productivity
· 31% believe their job will be fully automated before they retire, 25% believe it will happen before they die, 24% believe it is possible in the distant future;
· and 20% believe this will never happen
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