Krishna Aur Kans, India’s first stereoscopic 3D animated feature film, produced by Reliance Animation, was digitally produced on Brocade’s networking equipment.
“The need for more sophisticated visual effects has increased, production houses are aiming to be at par with the global standards. And a good 3D animated movie requires solid infrastructure, that is where a network platform provider comes in. If the platform is robust, then it ensures data security and seamless data transfer,” said Ashish Kulkarni, CEO, Reliance Animation.
“This project has been challenging one for us because Indian market is not yet ready for it as animation is still considered to be a kid’s genre here,” he added.
The company is also producing other animation movies such as Shaktiman on Brocade’s infrastructure.
“The network platform we provide is scalable; so it’s capable of handling petabytes of data. For the entertainment industry, it means that it can handle multiple projects simultaneously. We foresee double digit growth for us in the media & entertainment industry during the next two years,” commented KP Unnikrishnan, Marketing Director – Asia Pacific, Brocade Communications Systems.
The production involved terabytes of video data and digital contents of multiple applications including Maya, Mental Ray, Flash, Photoshop, Aftereffects, Harmony, Nuke and Shake.
Brocade partners with several media houses including Dreamworks, Fox and Pixar.
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