Prime Minister Narendra Modi has flagged off the Nagpur Metro, through video conference from New Delhi. The 13.5-km-long, Khapri- Sitabuldi section of the Nagpur Metro was inaugurated through the digital unveiling of plaque.
Highlighting the initiatives of the Union Government in building modern transport system throughout the country, Modi said that 400 km of operational network of metro have been built in the past four and half years. He added that work is progressing on 800 km of metro network throughout the country.
He also mentioned about the benefits of the recently launched common mobility card, the One Nation One Card. He said that the indigenously developed card, merges debit card with mobility card and has removed India’s dependence on other countries for building such a card. Only very few countries in the world have such a common mobility card for transportation, PM added.
The Prime Minister said that the Union Government has an integrated approach towards finding solutions.
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