The company began working on the voter ID card project in 1990 and then moved on to bag several projects from the government. For the state government of Haryana, Vakrangee is handing the Rs 125 crore PDS project that has about 60 lakh beneficiaries. The company has installed 9,300 Points Of Sale (POS) in order to reach out to the maximum number of citizens who live in rural and semi-rural areas.
Besides this, the company is also working with the UIDAI for Aadhaar—the government’s unique identity program. “We were the first company to quote a price for the enrollment of citizens for Aadhaar. What’s more, we quoted the lowest price of Rs 15 per enrollment. Currently, the cost of enrollment for the UID project is between Rs 30 and Rs 35,” said Kumar.
As various government schemes are computerized, people are able to benefit from an effective grievance redress mechanism, proper and timely allocation and there has been an overall increase in the satisfaction of citizens. It also promotes seamless information sharing with the people.
Thanks to a computerized PDS, the government of Haryana has been able to eradicate the problem of multiple registrations of ration cards and ghost cards and there is timely disbursement of essential commodities to beneficiaries, a swift MIS and prompt decision-making and fast disposal of goods.
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