eGovWatch: PM Narendra Modi launches the Make in India website

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s clarion call to attract investors to India seems to have resonated big time with the intended target audience.

To back up his rhetoric, PM Modi on Thursday launched the Make In India campaign at a programme in Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. Promising the investors a conducive environment, Modi said the government will focus on the manufacturing sector, which will create job opportunities

The prime minister launched a website called The website’s homepage opens with a logo of a lion, symbolising the Ashoka Chakra.

Other widgets on the website homepage will inform you about Sectors, Live Projects, Policies and FAQ’s. The Sectors topic covers almost everything from Automobiles, Space, Aviation, Chemicals, Renewable Energy to Wellness and Tourism.

Live Projects gives a summary and a brief backgrounder on the much-vaunted Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and its potential impact on India.

Under Policies, the latest information and policy changes on the new initiatives, foreign direct investment, intellectual property rights and national manufacturing are underlined.

And most of all, the Make in India programme, according to the website, “represents an attitudinal shift in how India relates to investors: not as a permit-issuing authority, but as a true business partner.”

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egovernanceeGovWatchIndiaMake in IndiaNarendra Modiwebsite
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