Kerala has signed an agreement with hyper scale data platform RackBank Datacenters (RBDC) to set up a Rs 1,000-crore Data Park at the Infopark in Cherthala. The MoU was signed between Hrishikesh Nair, CEO, Infopark Kochi, and Anil Reddy, Chairman, RBDC, in the presence of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
Vijayan said this is going to be a great boost for the information technology (IT) industry in Kerala as there is a need to have world class data centre facilities to meet the growing demands.
“RBDC is proud to be investing in Kerala and in its endeavour to support modern technology and innovation,” said Reddy.
State’s High Power IT Committee Chairman and Infosys Co-founder, S D Shibulal, is instrumental in bringing RBDC to the state with such a mega project, as part of the Global Connect organised in the US.
Founded in 2013, RBDC is a reputable data centre platform serving cloud, content and large enterprise customers across India, Europe and the US.
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