Why Data Security is a top priority for corporate?

The world of technology has opened tremendous opportunities for businesses, ensuring profitability and success. As enterprises are going digital in order to increase business agility, provide customer delight, and grow, they are increasingly relying on external and internal data.

-By Virender Jeet, Sr.Vice President,Technology, Newgen Software Technologies Limited  

The integrity of enterprise data is critical as any loss can result in significant financial damage and loss of brand credibility. Effective data storage and security are imperative to win customers’ and partners’ trust.

Also with an increase in internet penetration and emphasis on the digitization of workplace, securely managing official data and records has become the need of the hour.That said, we can’t overlook the increase in a data breach that has yielded from the very technology. Some of the types of incidents include Website Intrusion & Malware Propagation, Malicious Code, Phishing, Distributed Denial of Service attacks, Website Defacements and Unauthorized Scanning activities.

What is data security?

Data security is on top of mind of every enterprise dealing with sensitive information and data. In simple words, data security is the practice to keep sensitive customer data protected from any kind of unauthorized attack and corruption. Robust data security and privacy measures prevent data leakage while ensuring that a company runs smoothly. It is critical to organizations of every size, and not a concern limited to IT departments.

The need to protect data

Data privacy can be maintained for a variety of information, like financial transaction, healthcare records, and personal information, delivered by organizations to its customers and employees. However, while it’s important to deliver customer experience on the front-end, it’s equally important to dynamically set up business processes in the back-end. That’s why companies want to protect their data, both in the office and while sharing it with the third party.

ECM to the rescue

Now that companies are realizing the gravity of cyber-threats where hackers steal and damage data, they are eager to invest in technologies that offer them secure and effective storage options. That’s one reason why many enterprises are opting for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform. With ECM, enterprises can manage content from digitization to storage to archival and to disposal.

ECM is the digital platform that not only helps in managing data but also captures and transfers it in an encryption ensuring zero data leakage. ECM solution also helps underpin the challenges arising out of newer compliance regulations. ECM in tandem with a Business Process Management platform adapts quickly to regulatory changes, captures all the audit trails and complies with all the internal regulations adhering to turn around time (TAT) guidelines for specific documents.

Security of data can be a huge challenge in the age of disruptive technologies. With so much information being generated every day, there is a risk of losing it all. Data security requires regular vigilance and this can be done by taking active measures to keep sensitive information safe and secure. Hence, investing in an effective content management solution will help in securely managing information and reduce the time wasted on searching and retrieving the relevant data. ECM solution delivers all this and enhances productivity, increased client trust, enriched customer experience and ensuring business continuity

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data protectionECMNewgen Software
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